Friday, February 14, 2025

Hittites versus New Kingdom Egyptians Midgard Game


Egyptians on the left, Hittites on the right

Hittites advance

End of turn one

Egyptian chariots charge in to combat

Last Thursday afternoon Robert came over to my place and we played a Hittites versus New Kingdom Egyptians Midgard game out in the shed. We diced for sides, Robert commanded the Hittite attackers and I commanded the Egyptian defenders. Both sides advanced and after shooting the Egyptian chariots on both flanks charged in to combat. The Hittite chariots on the Egyptian right flank were routed but the Hittite infantry charged in and this infantry combat was to decide the game. The Egyptian army commander who was attached to a unit of mace/axemen was killed in single combat by the Hittite army commander. Units with a charging or winning marker can reroll ones in combat and the Hittites quickly got on a roll and routed two units of Egyptian spearmen. The Egyptians lost their final reputation token and the game.


Hittite chariots are routed on
the Egyptian right flank

Infantry combat on the Egyptian right flank

Infantry combat on the Egyptian left flank

Egyptians lose their final reputation
token and the game

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Dark Ages Irish Cavalry and Slingers


Here are some Dark Ages or Early Medieval Irish cavalry and slingers. I painted the cavalry some time ago but have just finished the slingers. Figures are by Crusader Miniatures and Gripping Beast with some LBM shield transfers. I'm working on some Irish infantry at the moment, I have a reasonable size painted Viking army but need to finish painting their opponents. Byzantines, Irish, Anglo-Saxons, Welsh, Scots/Picts and Rus are all waiting to be finished!

I want to put in a plug for Frank Sultana's Blood on the Sands Kickstarter, which has just started and is almost full funded. These are excellent Gladiator rules for one on one combat. For $145 AUD you get the core box set which includes rules, dice, tokens and plastic gladiators. Well worth supporting if you're interested in gladiator rules, they've been extensively play tested and Frank has been researching and working on them for over ten years. Highly recommended!

Monday, February 10, 2025

War of the Roses - Saga Age of Chivalry Game


Yorkists left and Lancastrians right deployed

Opposite end

Lancastrian longbowmen and commander

Lancastrian longbowmen retreat 

Handgunners take heavy shooting casualties on the right

Last Thursday afternoon Craig came over and we played a War of the Roses Saga game, with the new Saga supplement, Age of Chivalry. I was the Yorkist defenders and Craig the Lancastrian attackers, with six points a side and the usual Clash of Warlords scenario. I don't play Saga that often, my last game was about two years ago with the Age of Alexander supplement but Craig plays a fair bit and knows the rules well. I had a lucky start with a unit of men-at-arms (hearthguard) and was able to use the Remounts and Ravage and Pillage activations on my battle board to nearly wipe out a unit of Lancastrian longbowmen (levies).

The Lancastrians responded with some devastating shooting to reduce my mercenary handgunners (warriors) to half strength. The game from there was tit for tat, my Warlord was eventually killed, but both sides were reduced to two units generating Saga dice and neither side could gain the upper hand. In the end we called it a draw. It was fun to get the War of the Roses troops out and try out the new Saga Age of Chivalry rules. It's a very attractive supplement and with fourteen new battle boards has plenty to offer the Medieval Saga enthusiast.

Lancastrian longbowmen suffer

Lancastrian longbowmen retreat
repeatedly from Yorkist billmen

Lancastrian longbowmen survive another turn

Yorkist longbowmen survive another turn

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

More Bronze Age Civilians


Here are some more Bronze Age Greek civilians that I've just finished painting. They're lovely figures by Eureka Miniatures. The set above is called Labourers and Artisans and the one below Goat Herders.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Sea Peoples versus New Kingdom Egyptians Midgard Game


Armies deployed from the Egyptian side

Egyptian commander and Sea Peoples prisoners

Sea Peoples' ox cart

New Kingdom Egyptians

Last Wednesday afternoon Garry and Robert came over and we played a Sea Peoples versus New Kingdom Egyptians Midgard game out in the shed. Robert was recovering from running the MeG comp at Cancon, so he just watched the game. Garry commanded the Egyptian attackers and I commanded the Sea Peoples defenders. The Egyptian chariots proved very effective with their shooting and soon routed the javelin armed Sea Peoples' chariots. The armies closed but infantry combat didn't see an improvement in the Sea Peoples' fortune. Their army commander was killed in single combat by the Egyptian commander and after several rounds of combat an Egyptian archer unit routed a Sherden warrior unit to claim the Sea Peoples' final reputation token and win the game.

Sea Peoples

Egyptian attackers advance

Chariots on the Sea Peoples' left flank

Armies close

Infantry combat

Sea Peoples lose the game

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Bedouin Cavalry


Here are some Bedouin Cavalry that I've just finished painting for my Seljuk/Fatimid/Ayyubid armies. Figures are by Perry Miniatures with a LBM Islamic banner. I should have checked the banner on the LBM website as I don't read Arabic and may have it upside down or the wrong way around!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Anglo-Saxon Thegns


Here are some Anglo-Saxon Thegns that I've just finished painting. The figures are from the Gripping Beast plastic set with LBM shield transfers. I already have some Anglo-Danish huscarls with kite shield and some Anglo-Saxon Ceorls, so a few more painted units and I should have enough figures to play a game with them against my Vikings.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Command and Colors Medieval Crusades Games - Lake Antioch and Dorylaeum


Crusaders play a Mounted Charge
card in the first turn

Seljuks evade and shoot

Battle takes place between the Orontes River
and Lake Antioch on 9 February 1098

Crusaders win 5-4 victory banners

Crusaders and Seljuks deployed for the third Dorylaeum
scenario, a flank attack led by Raymond IV of Toulouse 

Happy New Year for 2025! Last Monday afternoon Craig came over with his Muslims and we played two Command and Colors Medieval Crusades games out in the shed. The first scenario was Lake Antioch 9 February 1098 and the game was over fairly quickly. The Crusaders winning 5-4 victory banners, although the Seljuks finished strongly. The mat had four inch rather than five inch hexes we usually use, which meant some of our unit sizes were smaller than normal, not that it makes any difference in game terms. We decided to play a second game, the third Dorylaeum scenario, with a flank attack led by Raymond IV of Toulouse. I had been soundly thrashed playing the first two scenarios with just the blocks last month.

We hurriedly deployed for this scenario, see photo above, and failed to notice that the troops behind the hills on Seljuk left flank should be Crusaders not Seljuks! However the Seljuks were unable to use these troops at all in the entire game, due to a lack of cards for this section. It proved to be a much closer game and the Seljuks made good use of their cards and Inspired Action tokens to Darken the Sky and Fire and Close. The Crusader knights attacked but suffered heavy casualties. In the end multiple left section cards enabled the Cruader infantry to attack and drive the Seljuks back. The Seljuk light bow cavalry and light cavalry suffered retreat results near their base line which meant they were wiped out as they were unable to retreat. The Crusaders winning a hard fought game 7-5 victory banners.

Troops behind the hills on Seljuk left flank
should be Crusaders not Seljuks!

Crusader knights attack

Crusaders suffer heavy casualties

Seljuks are driven back

Side view of the game

Crusaders attack with infantry and
win 7-5 victory banners

Hittites versus New Kingdom Egyptians Midgard Game

  Egyptians on the left, Hittites on the right Hittites advance End of turn one Egyptian chariots charge in to combat Last Thursday afternoo...