Saturday, September 29, 2018

Rome: City to Empire Exhibition Part Three

Gold and Silver Coins from the Hoxne Treasure, Hoxne, England, late 4th-early 5th century CE

Selby Coin Hoard, Selby, England, about 180-181 CE

Gold Votive Plaque for the Goddess Senuna, Ashwell, England, 2nd-3rd century CE, Statuette of  a Horse and Rider, Stapleford, England, 2nd-3rd century CE, Lead Curse Tablet, Uley, England, 4th century CE,
Gold Amulet to Assist with Childbirth, England, 100-300 CE

Glass Armlet, Cologne, Germany, 1st-4th century CE, Bone Hairpin
with the Bust of a Woman, Gloucestershire, England, late 1st century CE

Chatelaine Brooch, England, 2nd-3rd century CE, Horse Brooch, England, 1st-4th century CE,
Silver Snake Bracelet, Snettisham, England, 2nd century CE

Copper Alloy Cosmetic Set, Hockwold, England, 1st-3rd century CE

Gold Bracelets from the Hoxne Treasure, Hoxne, England, late 4th-early 5th century CE

Copper Alloy and Enamel Armlet, Drumond Castle, Scotland, about 50-200 CE

Gold Ring Showing Clasped Hands, Mileham, England

Copper Alloy and Enamel Dragonesque Brooch, England, 1st-2nd century CE

Punic Funerary Stele, Carthage, Tunisia, 1st-2nd century  CE

Mosaics of Cupids on Dolphins, Acholla, Tunisia, 150-170 CE

Statue of the Nymph Cyrene Fighting a Lion, Cyrene, Libya, about 120-150 CE

Religious Relief Stele with the Emperor Tiberius Making an Offering, Egypt, early 1st century CE

Child's Sandal, Sheikh Ibada, Antinoupolis, Egypt, 1st-10th century CE

Bust of a Woman Wearing Persian Headdress, probably Rome, Italy, 2nd century CE

Funerary Relief of a Man, Palmyra, Syria, 150-200 CE

Funerary Relief of a Woman, Palmyra, Syria, 200-273 CE

Head from a Statuette of a Roman Emperor, probably Claudius, probably Italy, 1st century CE

2 - Coin of Hadrian, minted in Rome, Italy, 119-120 CE, 3 - Coins of Antoninus Pius, minted in Rome, Italy, 154-155 CE, 4 - Silver Denarius of Carausius, probably minted in London, England, about 287-288 CE, 5 - Gold Medallion of Constantius I, minted in Trier, Germany, 297 CE

Gold, Garnet and Glass Earrings, Italy, 2nd-1st century BCE

Gold, Sapphire, Garnet and Glass Earrings, probably Italy, 2nd-3rd centuries CE

Emerald and Gold Necklace, probably Italy, 2nd-3rd century CE

Amethyst Cameo of Medusa, Rome, Italy, 1st-2nd century CE

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Rome: City to Empire Exhibition Part Two

Female Gladiators Relief, Halicarnassus (modern Bodrum), Turkey, 1st-2nd century CE

Basanite Bath, unknown location, about 150-250 CE

Portrait Bust of the Emperor Caracalla, probably Italy, 212-217 CE

Bronze Strigil (skin scraper), Torre Annunziata, Naples Italy about 50-100 CE and
Bronze Aryballos (oil flask), possibly Italy, late 2nd century CE

Portrait Bust of the Emperor Hadrian, Hadrian's Villa, Tivloi, Italy about 125-130 CE

Pilaster Capital from the Pantheon, Rome, Italy about 118-128 CE

Altar dedicated to Hercules, Rome, Italy, 69-79 CE

Statue of a Priestess, probably from Atripalda, Campania, Italy, about 25-50 CE

Colossal Statue Head of Faustina I, Temple of Artemis, Sardis, Turkey, about 140 CE

Statue Fragment of a Captive Barbarian, Ramleh, Egypt, 160-170 CE

Torso from a Statue of Hadrian, Cyrene, Libya 130-140 CE

Statue of Mithras slaying a Bull, Italy, 2nd century CE

Bronze Decorative Wagon Fitting of a Gladiator, probably Italy, 1st-2nd century CE,  Terracotta Lamp of a Gladiator's Helmet, London, England, probably 1st-3rd century CE and an Ivory Gladiator's Discharge Ticket, Lanuvium, Italy, 88 CE

Terracotta Lamp of a Gladiatorial Combat, Italy, 50-79 CE and of a Chariot Race, probably Turkey, about 25-75 CE

Bronze Decorative Fittings of a Comic Actor's Mask and a Female Tragic Mask, probably Italy, 1st-3rd century CE

Ivory Theatre Ticket, probably Italy, 1st-3rd century CE

Bronze Statuette of Jupiter, probably Italy or France, about 1st-3rd century CE

Bronze Statuette of Jupiter as Serapis, probably Italy, about 1st-3rd century CE

Bronze Female Bust, possibly of Juno, probably Italy, about 1st-3rd century CE

Bronze Statuette of Minerva, probably Italy, about 1st-3rd century CE

Bronze Statuette of Apollo, probably Italy, about 1st-3rd century CE

Bronze Statuette of Ceres, Italy, about 1st-3rd century CE

Bronze Statuette of Diana, probably Italy, about 1st-3rd century CE

Bronze Statuette of Venus, Vaison, France, about 1st-3rd century CE

Bronze Statuette of a Lar (Household God), probably Italy or France, about 1st century CE

Heroes and Slingers

  Above are some Irish heroes and a single Norse hero. We have a Norse vs Irish and a Norse vs Anglo-Danes Midgard game lined up in the next...