Monday, April 23, 2018

Indian Elephants

This is my first post on my new ancient wargaming blog - Bucellarii. I used to have a blog, Satrap Miniatures, but deleted it with my Photobucket account at the end of last year. I expect this will be fairly similar in content and I will repost some of the more popular posts from it.  I'm still sorting things out and seem to have forgotten everything about the layout and formatting of blogger!

These figures are Old Glory elephants and crew that I've just finished painting for my Indian army. I'm working on some Indian chariots at the moment but in my usual magpie fashion keep get distracted by other figures and armies...

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Pompeii: Inside a Lost City - National Museum of Australia Exhibition Part Two

  Bronze statue of Apollo, 1st century CE, excavated 1937, House of Julius Polybius, triclinium (dining room), Regio IX, Insula XIII Alabast...