Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Late Roman Cavalry - Equites Honoriani Iuniores

Here are some Late Roman cavalry I've finally finished painting, from the new plastic Gripping Beast box set, Late Roman Heavy Cavalry. They are the Equites Honoriani Iuniores who were under the command of the Comes Africae in the Notitia Dignitatum. The shield transfers are by LBM. I added a draco from a spare from the plastic Late Roman infantry box. The horse and riders are the same basic poses from the unarmoured Dark Age cavalry set Gripping Beast released last year.

These could easily be used to make armoured barbarian cavalry like Goths and Vandals as there are round or oval shields and plenty of helmeted head options. There are few minor issues - there are no saddles on the horses only saddle cloths, the spears have no butt spikes and the bridles on the horses seem to be missing metal cross pieces but these could be easily fixed with some modelling putty if it bothers you that much. Many metal Late Roman cavalry ranges are the same.


  1. My suggestion - use a black wash for metal and fleshtone for the skin. Maybe I'll build a Roman army (Saga).

    1. Thanks Telamon, I'm pretty happy with the washes I use. There are some great ranges around for the Late Romans.

  2. Menacing looking bunch. The shield transfers make this unit pop.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, the LBM transfers always make a big difference.

  3. Great looking heavy cavalry, the head's seem particularly expressive? You've convinced me,I'd better pick a box up and a box of dark age cavalry,lovely finish!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, they're great figures and good value for money. Both sets have the same basic horse and rider poses.


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