Monday, November 5, 2018

Little Wars Canberra 2018 - The Games

Greg Blake's 28mm ACW Regimental Fire and Fury game

28mm Spectre Operations game

54mm WW2 game

Lebanon 1941 Export or Perish game

North Africa WW2 What a Tanker game

Allenby 1917 WW1 Gaza The Men Who Would be Kings game

Allenby 1917 WW1 Gaza The Men Who Would be Kings game

Allenby 1917 WW1 Gaza The Men Who Would be Kings game

Last Sunday the Little Wars Canberra 2018 event was held at the Vikings Club in Lanyon and here are photos of most of the games. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves as usual, checking out or playing the various participation games and buying essential gaming supplies from the traders! A big thanks to Greg, Ian and Leigh who organised everything, with all proceeds going to the Soldier On charity. I'll post photos from our Command and Colors Ancients, Battle of Hydaspes game separately as I took quite a few pics.

General Quarters GQ3 WW2 Naval game

Mexican Adventure 1861-67 Black Powder with Mexican forces visible

Mexican Adventure 1861-67 Black Powder French forces advancing

28mm Immingham ECW game

WW1 Gallipoli Lone Pine game

Craig and David's Maximilian 1934 game - Watch out for the 'roos and emus!

Command and Colors Ancients Battle of Hydaspes game

Command and Colors Ancients Battle of Hydaspes game


  1. Was the theme desert warfare? A lot of fine looking battles set in arid theaters.
    Awaiting details on your CCA game.

    1. Not really Jonathan but there were quite a few games with desert settings. Our CCA games were fun, I'll put the details and photos in my next post.

  2. Great looking games; it appears that WW1 & WW2 games were well represented.

    1. Thanks Dean, yes WW1 and WW2 are always popular. The 1917 Gaza game of TMWWBK was impressive.

  3. Nice range of games that look great!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it was a fun day and, of course, I added to the lead pile.

  4. Lovely stuff. Your Hydaspes set up looks fab!

    1. Thanks Aaron, I'll post photos and details of the Hydaspes games soon. We played two games with identical results - the Macedonians won 7-6 but Alexander' was killed in both games!


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