Monday, December 10, 2018

Battle of Kernstown 1862 - Black Powder American Civil War Game

Initial deployment

Union brigades of Brodhead, Sullivan and Kimball

Side view of the table

Confederate forces arrive on the table and the cavalry charge

Confederate left flank

Union cavalry over run Confederate artillery

Union cavalry retreat

Confederate left flank advances

Last Sunday down at the Vikings Club, Craig, Gary and I played an American Civil War, Black Powder game, the Battle of Kernstown 1862. This scenario was straight out of the second edition Black Powder rules (pp.170-175 ). Gary was the Confederate commander, Stonewall Jackson, while Craig commanded the Union brigades under Kimball and Tyler and I commanded those under Sullivan and Brodhead. This turned out to be a decisive victory for the Confederates and the Union brigades of Brodhead, Sullivan and Kinball were all broken in turn.

Confederate right flank reforms

Confederate left flank closes in on Pritchard's Hill

Fire fight on Confederate right flank 

Tyler's brigade arrives on the Union right flank

Confederates close on Pritchard's Hill and Sullivan's brigade retreats broken

Kimball's brigade on Pritchard's Hill is broken

Confederate left flank holds on


  1. Thanks Michal, it was an easy victory for the Confederates.

  2. Lovely looking game, you really need a whole lot of fencing and buildings for an ACW game to look right and this certainly does!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, you do - all the Perry plastic buildings and fencing are really handy.

  3. Great looking game - terrain and troops look excellent. Hope you all enjoyed the rules too.

    1. Thanks Dean, it was fun to play an ACW game, we don't play them that often.

  4. Excellent! Kernstown provides a good situation for a small action.

    I like your table set up and BatRep.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, most of the ACW figures are Craig's, I'd like to try Regimental or Brigade Fire and Fury.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Aaron, I'm keen to paint some ACW for Rebels and Patriots which is being released next month.


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