Thursday, January 3, 2019

Macedonians versus Indians ADLG Game

Macedonians deployed on the left, Indians on the right

Side view of the table

The Macedonians advance

Companion and Scythian cavalry 

Macedonian infantry on the left flank

Infantry in the centre

Macedonian right flank

The armies close

My first game of the New Year was a solo L'Art de la Guerre (ADLG) game with Macedonians versus Indians. I'd been meaning to have a game with the Indians since November last year but have been thwarted by various circumstances. It was a standard 200 point game with the Macedonians attacking and, while I was pretty rusty with the rules, it proved to be fun and quite close until the final turn. In the end the Indians prevailed due to some luck and the Macedonians became demoralised first.

Cavalry combat on the Indian right flank

Cavalry combat on the Indian left flank

Scythian horse archers are the first casualties

Action in the centre 

Indian light cavalry suffer the same fate

The infantry combat in the centre

Indian elephants take on the pike

Side view of the battle

Macedonians become demoralised


  1. Great looking Ancients battle starting off the new year, Mike!

    1. Thanks Dean, it was good to get in a game with the Indians.

  2. Your Indian army is really a colorful looking lot!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, the Indians are colourful and fun to play with all the elephants and chariots.

  3. Really nice looking game, your Indians look splendid, great start to the new year!
    Best Iain

  4. Lovely looking armies. Great elephants and chariots.

    1. Thanks Colin, always good to get the Indians out!


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