Thursday, February 14, 2019

Battle of Ilipa 206 BC - Command and Colors Ancients

Romans on the left, Carthaginians on the right

View from the Carthaginian lines

View from the Roman lines

Velites attack Carthaginian Elephants

Carthaginian right flank

Roman left flank

Velites are forced to retreat

Marcius with Principes and Triarii

Scipio with Principes and Hastai

Last Wednesday night Rick and I met down at the Vikings Club and played a Second Punic War Command and Colors Ancients game. The scenario was the Battle of Ilipa 206 BC in Spain with Scipio taking on Hasdrubal Gisgo. Rick commanded the Romans while I commanded the Carthaginians. Although the Carthaginians out numbered the Romans by a single unit in the scenario, they were up against it with only four command cards and a single commander, compared to the Romans six command cards and two commanders. In the end the Romans won a decisive victory with seven to two victory banners. The game followed the actual historical result with the Romans  winning on both flanks while the Carthaginian centre was stranded.

Action on the Carthaginian right flank

Carthaginian centre

Hasdrubal Gisgo and Libyan spearmen

Gallic cavalry and Carthaginian elephants

Spanish Scutarii and Caetrati attack

Gallic cavalry attack Velites to no effect

Roman cavalry account for Numidian cavalry

Carthaginian elephants are destroyed - the final nail in the coffin!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, Comman and Colors Ancients games are a lot of fun.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Iain, they're two great armies to have, plenty of classic encounters in the Punic Wars.

  3. Good gaming with great looking figures again, Mike! Nicely done.

    1. Thanks Dean, I really enjoy our Command and Colors Ancients games.

  4. What a great looking game, splendid and impressive units!

    1. Thanks Phil, the Punic Wars is a great period.

  5. Super looking battle, Mike! Armies are superbly painted and as you know, nothing beats CCA in miniature,in my mind. Great stuff!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I always really enjoy our CCA games, even when I get slaughtered! I'm really looking forward to the release of Command and Colors Medieval.


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