Monday, June 10, 2019

Battle of Saguntum 75 BC - Sertorius versus Pompey

Sertorius & Spanish forces on the left, Romans under Pompey on the right

Opposite end

Spanish right flank

Sertorius with his Veteran Legionaries

Roman left flank with Pompey and his legions

Spanish allies on the Roman right flank

Spanish and Roman forces clash

Spanish cavalry and skirmishers

Action on the Roman right flank

Last Sunday afternoon Craig and I met down at the Vikings Club and we played a L'Art de la Guerre (ADLG) game of the Battle of Saguntum 75 BC with Sertorius taking on Pompey. It was one of the quietest monthly meetings I've ever seen, with only three others playing DBA, no doubt the fact that it was a June long weekend contributing to this. Craig was Sertorius, as he is about to take off for a three week Iberian holiday, while I commanded the Romans under Pompey.

This turned out to be a cracking game that went right down to the wire and it was neck and neck for most of the game. In the end it was a narrow victory for Pompey, although his entire corps was wiped out and he survived numerous general death rolls, including three where his unit was routed! Sertorius, on the other hand, led his corps of four veteran legionary units through the battle almost untouched, though his Spanish allies were killed almost to a man. Thanks to Craig for a great game.

Sertorius' Lusitanian cavalry, Scutarii and slingers

Lusitanian Scutarii

Gaps appear in the Roman left flank

Roman right flank has more success

The game hangs in the balance

Crunch time

Roman left flank is destroyed

Romans are victorious on the right


  1. You put on so many great games. hat are your thoughts on ADLG vs Impetvs?

    1. That is, "What" are your thoughts...

    2. Thanks Jonathan, I prefer it to Basic Impetus, as I find a couple of bad cohesion test rolls in that and the game is all over. I haven't played Impetus 2 yet but it seems to be a fairly detailed set and the army lists are all over the place. ADLG is in its third edition and seems to be fairly stream lined which makes it popular for competitions.

  2. Awesome game report and photos! I like Pompey manage to survive numerous general death rolls must have been nerve-racking? :o)

    I played a few solo ADLG games are they better than DBx Basic Impetvs can cumbersome but I simply don't use all the BI rules :o)


    1. Thanks Phil,yes I was very lucky Pompey survived, it was a bit nerve racking but fun too when you don't know what will happen. Basic Impetus has it's good points and is a lot more popular here than ADLG but I found ADLG better for bigger games.

  3. Great looking game! I really like it when both sides are in it to the end!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, really close games are often more memorable.


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