Thursday, September 26, 2019

Byzantine Psiloi

Here are some psiloi for my Nikephorian and Komnenan Byzantine armies. The staff slingers, crossbowmen and archers are all Crusader Miniatures and the javelinmen are Gripping Beast. I have just received two heavy infantry units from the new Early Byzantine range by Aventine Miniatures. They are really great figures that I'm looking forward to painting and are Antesignani 'before the standards' infantry. However I still have heaps to do on the later Byzantines and I'm working on a unit of Varangian Guard at the moment.


  1. Good work, Mike! Aventine has new releases? I ought to pop over and see what is new.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, there is a painted unit by Adam the sculptor on the Lead Adbenture Forum, they look great!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Iain, not the most exciting of troops but handy to have.

  3. Great looking variety of skirmishers, Mike. Very useful on the battlefield too.

    1. Thanks Dean, you certainly miss them, if you don't have any.


Anglo-Saxon Thegns

  Here are some Anglo-Saxon Thegns that I've just finished painting. The figures are from the Gripping Beast plastic set with LBM shield...