Thursday, May 21, 2020

Gallic Cavalry

Above are some Gallic cavalry that I've just finished painting. These are all Victrix Miniatures with Victrix shield transfers. These have been stuck on my painting desk for a long time so it is good to finish them off. The five photos below are more Gallic cavalry from the archives, these are Wargames Foundry, Companion Miniatures and A&A Miniatures with LBM shield transfers.

These next two units in the three photos below were painted by the late Col Jones and are a mix of Gripping Beast and Warlord Games.

This last unit in the two photos below are Warlord Games figures that I painted. I'm hoping to play a refight of the Battle of Sabis 57 BC with the Mortem et Gloriam rules soon, so some of these figures at least, should see action in that game.


  1. These hordes look menacing! Would any of these manufacturers' figures come close to matching Renegade cavalry in size?

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I have some Tin Soldier Gallic cavalry that are fairly chunky, otherwise the Foundry or Victrix are probably the closest.

  2. Cracking job on these units of cavalry!

    1. Thanks Phil, still have a few more units to paint.

  3. Great looking Gallic horsemen from such a wide variety of makers.

    1. Thanks Dean, I like to mix up the ranges.

  4. Super looking gallic cavalry, boyhood and new!
    Best Iain


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