Sunday, June 21, 2020

Battle of Catalaunian Plains Mortem et Gloriam Game

View of the table from the Roman left flank

View of the table from the Ostrogoth left flank

Aetius' Roman infantry advances

Attila's Frank foot advance

Ostrogoth and Visigoth cavalry manoeuvre

Visigoths charge

Last Saturday afternoon Craig came around and we played a Mortem et Gloriam (MeG) game, with a refight of the Battle of Catalaunian Plains. Craig commanded the Roman, Alan and Visigoth army under Aetius and I was Attila with the Huns, Gepids and Ostrogoths. The scenario for this was played as a Pacto game by Simon Hall for the MeG launch recently and is available on the MeG site. For our game I doubled the unit sizes for a Magna game of about 8000 points a side but was short a few figures for some units and had to draft in some other Dark Age troops to make up the numbers.

I followed Simon MacDowall's Osprey book Catalaunian Fields AD 451 for the battle field and deployment and the camps of both armies were off the table. One thing I noticed with the scenario was that the Ostrogoth left flank was a bit light on infantry with only a single unit of combat shy foot archers! In the end it was a straightforward victory for Aetius with Attila's right and left flank pretty much destroyed and only the centre remaining.

Attila and Sangiban in the centre

Gepids, Franks and Huns on Attila's right flank

Attila's centre is a bit ragged

Centre under Attila and right flank under Ardaric have yet to close

Visigoths and Ostrogoths slog it out

Gepid cavalry rout

Ostrogoths rout on the left flank while the centre is still undecided 


  1. Excellent, I’ve done some reading on this battle recently for SAGA’s Aetius & Arthur Rules. Fun battle to read about. Table setting and troops in your pics look great.


    1. Thanks Kevin, the Late Romans are interesting in Saga. Simon MacDowall's Opsrey & Pen Sword books are definitely worth getting.

  2. Outstanding presentation, Mike! Do you prefer MeG to either Impetvs or TtS?

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I do prefer MeG but have only played five games so I'm still learning the rules.

  3. A fine looking game. It's interesting when a battle is decided by the flanks, when the 'real' battle is still going on isn't it. One feels a bit 'cheated', I reckon!

    1. Thanks James, cheated or stranded, it often seems to have happened in battles.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, it was hard fitting in all the figures on a 6 by 4 foot mat.

  5. Very iconic Dark Age gaming, Mike! Attila was a bad a×@!!

    1. Thanks Dean, he was indeed, it was all downhill for the Huns once he died.

  6. An interesting period and a fantastic looking game, beautiful armies!

    1. Thanks Phil, it's an interesting battle to do with all the allies.

  7. Great looking game and I would also be interested in your assessment of Meg ?!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I really like it but have only played five games so far. I think it is a clever set of rules with some great features, the coloured card and dice system works well. Give it a go and see what you think, if you know anyone who plays.


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