Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Sassanid Infantry

Sassanid skirmishers - slingers and archers

Sassanid archers

Here are some 15mm Sassanid infantry that I've just finished painting. The figures are mainly AB Figures with some of the new Plastic Soldier Company (PSC) Ultracast figures (archers and slingers) which are a type of resin rather than hard plastic. The elephants I painted earlier in the year are Lurkio Miniatures and one AB Figures.

The PSC figures are ultracast versions of the metal Lurkio Miniatures figures. The detail is excellent but the resin is quite soft and there are a few mould lines, these are easily removed with a sharp scalpel. I had a few breakages in the mail, with the four Pacto sized armies of Goths, Huns, Later Romans and Sassanids I ordered, each box was crushed. Repairs with super glue work fine, but I intend to replace the spears with spears made from flexible plastic bristles as most of the cavalry have levelled kontos. At 32 foot or 16 cavalry for 10 pounds (Pacto sized armies are 35 pounds) they do offer great value for money.

Sassanid spearmen

Sassanid infantry and elephants


  1. Very nice brushwork on these, Mike. You make 15mm look like 28mm.

    1. Thanks Dean, I have a 28mm Sassanid army to paint as well.

  2. A gorgeous army indeed, love the splendid spearmen...

    1. Thanks Phil, the AB Figures are nice, the PSC spearmen have more accurate shields.

  3. Lovely looking Sassanid army!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, heaps of cavalry still to paint.


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