Monday, July 27, 2020

Scythians versus Neo-Assyrians Chariots Rampant Game

Table view from the Scythians' side

View from the Assyrians' side

Scythians advance

Assyrian cavalry mixed bow and spear

Sab Sharri mixed bow and spear

Chaldean slingers and Assyrian chariots

Sab Sharri mixed bow and spear

Assyrian cavalry mixed bow and spear

Scythian horse archers

Scythian noble cavalry

Scythian horse archers

Scythian horse archers

Last Sunday afternoon out in the shed I played a solo Chariots Rampant game with the Scythians taking on the Neo-Assyrians somewhere in the highlands of Uratu (Armenia). Chariots Rampant is a Bronze Age variant of Lion Rampant and can be found in Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine Issue 82. The scenario was the standard Bloodbath encounter, the two sides were 32 points and, except for a single skirmisher unit of Chaldean slingers, every unit was bow armed. The Scythians suffered early casualties and a horse archer unit was forced to retreat battered in the face of some withering fire from the Assyrians. A unit of Scythian noble cavalry recklessly charged a Sab Sharri unit, and while they won the combat they were forced to retreat battered. Eventually sheer weight of numbers told and the Scythians' bow fire wore the Assyrians down and their left flank routed.

Scythian noble cavalry

Scythian horse archers

Scythian horse archers

Both sides advance

Scythian horse archers retreat battered in the centre

Scythian noble cavalry charge the Sab Sharri

They win the combat but retreat battered

Casualties from missile fire mount

Scythian horse archers make skirmish moves

Sab Sharri advance

Assyrian left flank routs

Assyrian chariots are the only unscathed unit


  1. Nice looking armies, Mike! Great to see your Biblicals out on the table.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, the Scythians out shot the Assyrians this time.

  2. I have to try doing a solo mini game sometime. I have enough figures to do two sides for a Saga rules game.

    As always your figures look nice, and thanks for mini AAR. Inspiring!


    1. Solo play can be great fun, Kevin. I recommend giving it a try.

    2. Thanks Kevin, as Jonathan says solo games are still fun, are good for one sided scenarios, learning a new set of rules or games nobody wants to play!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, it was a fun game, lots of shooting.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, it was fun to get the troops and dice out.

  5. One day, I shall do chariot wars. Until then, thanks for the lovely pics!

  6. Most beautiful armies...looks great, and intense!

    1. Thanks Phil, it was tough for the Assyrians but a fun game.


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