Saka deployed on the left, Macedonians on the right
Opposite end
Macedonian right flank with Companions led by Alexander |
Macedonian centre
Macedonian left flank
Saka left flank
Saka centre
Saka right flank
View of the table from the Macedonian left flank
View of the table from the Saka left flank |
Last Wednesday afternoon I played another solo Command and Colors Ancients (CCA) game out in the shed. The scenario was Jaxartes River with the Macedonians under Alexander taking on the Saka under Satraces. I made a few changes to the scenario making the Saka all light bow cavalry, except for one medium cavalry unit, Satraces' nobles, who were also bow armed. I also used the Parthian shot special rule introduced in Command and Colors Medieval (CCM) for light bow cavalry and the Saka medium cavalry were also able to use this when evading.
This rule allows a unit to evade two hexes while firing with two dice and it can only be hit with the appropriate coloured dice ignoring all other results. The only change to the Macedonians was to allow the light cavalry Prodromoi to hit on swords as well, reflecting their use of the sarissa. Missile fire across the river was possible only for Alexander's catapults but troops crossing the river could fire and were targets themselves.
In retrospect the Parthian shot rule was overly effective as the the Macedonians never managed to make any headway and a double flag dice result on the Prodromoi, a retreat of eight hexes and a casualty for every hex beyond the base line they were unable to retreat, seemed to typify their luck in the game. In the end the Saka slaughtered the Macedonians 7-2 victory points. This was a totally unexpected and rather unsatisfying game, given the complete reversal of the actual historical result. While the Parthian shot rule reflects the tactics of steppe nomad armies it may be better reduced to a single dice for CCA scenarios, as moving light bow cavalry normally shoot with only one dice anyway.
Macedonians attempt to cross the river in the centre
Macedonian javelinmen are forced to retreat
Macedonian pike cross in the centre with a double time card
Alexander launches an attack on the Macedonian right flank
Companions advance, Saka evade and cause heavy losses |
Companions suffer under heavy bow fire
Casualties mount on the pike in the centre
Macedonian left flank launches an attack
Side view
Macedonians are destroyed or forced to retreat