Friday, November 6, 2020

Battle of Carrhae 53 BC - Command and Colors Ancients Game


Parthians have the Romans deployed in a hollow square

View from the opposite end

Romans attack on their right flank

Surena's camel supply train

Roman right flank

Parthians attack on their right flank

On Friday afternoon I played a solo Command and Colors Ancients game out in the shed. I'd just received my new Command & Colors Medieval mat with 11 x 13 five inch hexes from Deep Cut Studio, so I was quite keen to try it out in a game. The scenario was the Battle of Carrhae with Crassus taking on the Parthians under Surena.

The Romans deployed in a hollow square and had five command cards to the Parthians' six. I used the Parthian shot rule for light bow cavalry from the Command & Colors Medieval game but reduced it to one dice rather than two when evading. This turned out to be quite a hard fought and close game with the Romans giving a good account of themselves. In the end the Parthians won 7-5 victory points.

Action on the Roman right flank

Parthian cataphracts charge

Parthians momentum advance against allied Roman cavalry

Parthian right flank 

Romans lose 7-5 victory points

Roman left flank and rear in tact


  1. Great looking game; lovely figures. Did Crassus enjoy his special drink of aurum?
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James the CCA games are a lot of fun. Being forced to swallow molten gold would be a nasty way to go!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, the Deep Cut Studio mats are excellent.

  3. Superb, love the camel supply train...

    1. Thanks Phil, Xyston do a nice Parthian baggage camel in 15mm.

  4. Another fine looking Ancients game, Mike. Good to see!

  5. Lovely looking game, probably right that it should be a hard fought Parthian victory!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I always find find ahistorical results a bit disturbing, even though there are a lot of variables in any game.

  6. I see your units are facing the flat edge of the hex. It was always my understanding that your units face the angled side between the two flat edges. But, I haven't played C&C in forever, so might be wrong. Superb looking game. What do the dice behind the unit represent?

    1. Thanks Dave, I think you right about the facing of units, I just had them that way so they would fit in side the hexes. The dice were pila markers for the legionaries.


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