Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Sumerian Spearmen of Ur


Here's another post from the archives, a unit of Sumerian spearmen with copper studded cloaks as depicted in the Standard of Ur. The figures are a mix of Castaway Arts, Wargames Foundry and Cutting Edge Miniatures/Warlord Games.


  1. Nice and very topical! I have been considering a Sumerian army, myself. I am leaning toward Eureka or Newline but these offer more figure options.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, the nicest 28mm Sumerian figures are Foundry, Warlord/Cutting Edge, Eureka and CP Miniatures. Nice 15mm ranges by Musuem Miniatures and Eureka too.

  2. Superb, and so tempting...Wonderful job Cyrus, and fascinating period!

  3. Oooh, those look great, Mike. Lovely skin tones and capes.

    1. Thanks Dean, the Sumerians are one of my favourite early Bronze Age armies.

  4. They look wonderful. I also like the palm trees in the back. Cheers, Karl

  5. Your Blog was hijacked and put on The Miniatures Page, without credit given to you or your blog. Many have been discouraging this individual for this practice. Credit has since been given by another.
    Great Blog!!!!

    1. Tango presumably? He's been doing it for years, on my old blog as well. The problem really is that the TMP editor allows it, instead of banning him.

    2. I had this discussion with someone on another blog sometime ago. I do not see Raúl's posting of links as any sort of 'highjacking'. He does not claim it as his own, but brings posts to attention of people on TMP, with a clear link to the main page, rest of post or whatever. I have always appreciated his links to posts that I have done as it does generate more traffic to the post. What *is* strange is that so many people on TMP do not bother to comment on the actual blog page, but visit it and then comment back on TMP. That I do not understand!
      Anyway, back to the subject at hand (I'm sure that you'll be pleased to hear)...fantastic looking figures and beaut painting.
      Regards, James

    3. Thanks James, I personally don't like his posts on TMP to me they are just spam. He has posted dozens of my posts on TMP over the years as well as hundreds from other bloggers without once asking permission or acknowledging the original post. To many bloggers he is a serial content thief and parasite.

    4. Cyrus, what acknowledgment do you need beyond him linking to your blog? That’s how I got here to enjoy your work.

    5. That is not acknowledgement, he doesn’t have my permission to post my content on TMP or anywhere else. I can do that myself if I want to. As I said above, to many bloggers he is a serial content thief and parasite.

  6. Great looking Sumerians! Love the cloaks!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it must have been pretty toasty wearing them.


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