Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Early Carthaginian Chariots


Here's an Early Carthaginian chariot I've just finished painting and two others I painted about four years ago. The first is by Agema Miniatures and the other two are Newline Designs. I stuffed up when assembling the Agema chariot and crew. While I looked at the painted version on the website, I failed to notice that the spearmen with the shield was on the left side of the chariot with his shield hanging on the outside. 

Luckily I had a Newline crew figure that fitted in the remaining space (I still have two more of these to paint), so all was not lost! The Agema chariot is a nice mdf kit. Incidentally if you're drilling holes for the crews' feet in to the floor of the chariot, make sure you use a mask and do it outside. The horses and crew are nice figures but pinning two weapon hands was very time consuming and fiddly - give me plastics any day!


  1. Oh, these chariots are mighty fine, Mike!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, the Newline ones are the easiest to assemble and paint.

  2. Like them...and the back drop to them magnificent.

    1. Thanks, the back drop photo was taken from the theatre at Epidaurus in Greece.

  3. Excellent looking chariots.
    I'll wager five sestersii on the one with the white horses. Droll, I know, sorry!
    Regards, James

  4. Splendid looking chariots, lovely work!
    Best Iain

  5. Fantastic work on the chariots - dont worry about the minor faux pas on the first one, it still looks outstanding

    1. Thanks it turned out OK in end but it was annoying to over look the positioning of the crew.


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