Friday, March 26, 2021

Norman Infantry


Here are some unarmoured Norman infantry that I've just finished painting. The first unit is a mix of Gripping Beast, Crusader and Conquest Games with LBM banner and shield transfers. The second is all Conquest Games with Battle Flag banner and shield transfers. The Conquest Game plastic Norman infantry, like their cavalry set are good value, for 20 pounds you get 44 infantry (18 armoured) with options for spear, sword, axe and shield. The Victrix Normans will be out soon but if you like a bit of variety (like me) in your armies, then they're well worth a look.


  1. Great looking Normans, love the sheilds!

    1. Thanks Ray, shield transfers make things easy.

  2. Splendid Normans Cyrus, great job!

  3. Great looking Norman foot - makes me want to revisit this period.

    1. Thanks Dean, it’s an interesting period, I’ve always wanted to refight Hastings.

  4. Lovely looking pair of Norman infantry!
    Best Iain


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