Saturday, April 3, 2021

Command and Colors Samurai Battles - Arita Castle 1517 AD - Phase 1 - Takeda Vanguard


Initial deployment Mori L, Takeda R

Mori launch a cavalry charge

Takeda Samurai and leader

Takeda Ashigaru

Last Saturday afternoon Craig came over to my place with his lovely Perry Samurai and we played three games of Command and Colors Samurai Battles. The first two games were with his figures, we swapped sides and the scenario was the second in the board game, the Takeda Vanguard on Arita Castle. We just used the figures Craig brought along, with very small unit sizes and there were no actual Mori or Takeda clan painted figures. Craig's figures are all based for his Samurai skirmish rules, Ronin which are published by Osprey and great fun. 

Craig cleaned up quickly as the Mori in the first game, the scenario only has three victory banners, and in the second game I also won as the Mori but the result was a bit closer. The third game we just played with the blocks and this was third scenario in the board game, Arita Castle Phase 2 Matauchi River. This was a cracking game that had plenty of ebb and flow, before Craig emerged victorious, as the Mori again, this time 6-3 victory banners. All three games were great fun and provided an excellent afternoon's gaming. I've enjoyed playing this game so much that I've ordered 28m Samurai figures, so looking forward to this and reading up on the Sengoku Jidai period!

Takeda Ashigaru are in strife!

Game Two

Game Two Takeda Samurai die with honour!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, it’s a great game, be good when we have more figures painted.

  2. I am anxious to give th new version of SB a try.

    1. The Dragon cards and Fortune and Honour tokens really add extra elements to the game and with forty scenarios, it’s great value Jonathan.

  3. Very cool gaming - I like the use of individual figures in the hexes.

    1. Thanks Dean, we will probably use movement trays once we have more figures painted.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Stu, we’ve really enjoyed the CCSB games we’ve played so far.

  5. I like how a few figures still worked. This one looks like it will be my new favorite of the series. Yesterday I stickered all the blocks, and punched the counters. I am totally stoked. Just have to wait till I get my second shot and a few weeks after that my friend and I are going to do a face to face. Can't wait!


    1. Thanks Kevin it worked fine. We will add bigger units sizes as we get more figures painted, it is a great game for sure. Enjoy your games!

  6. Great looking game! I'm slightly intimidated by samurai, so I look forward to seeing yours!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, me too, I’ve never painted any before but have ordered a bunch of Ospreys and there is only one way to learn!


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