Sunday, May 23, 2021

Hittites versus New Kingdom Egyptians ADLG Game


View from the Egyptians' side

View from the Hittites' side

Egyptian chariots charge on the left flank

Egyptian chariots charge on the right flank

On Sunday afternoon out in the shed I played a solo L'Art de La Guerre (ADLG) game with my 15mm New Kingdom Egyptians and Hittites. I haven't played these rules for quite a while but ordered Version 4 from Northstar when it was released recently. It was a small 100 point game, with two corps and commanders a side, the Hittites were the attackers. I was a bit rusty but fortunately the QRS is very good and I didn't have to look up the rules too much, although there are a few changes from Version 3. 

The two forces lined up and got stuck in with the Egyptian chariots charging on both flanks in the first turn. The Hittite infantry charged in the centre with casualties mounting on both sides. The Hittites infantry managed to punch through the Egyptian infantry despite being out numbered. Both Egyptian commanders were killed and the Egyptian army was soon routed. In my opinion one of the big advantages of ADLG is its smaller army sizes, you get more bang for your buck and as it says in the Overview it requires about half the miniatures as most other rule sets.

Hittite infantry charge in the centre

Casualties mount on both sides

View from the Hittite lines

Egyptians rout


  1. Looks awesome. Love some vicarious chariot wars.

    1. Thanks fmb, I like these games with the 15mm, it's easier to set up and play.

  2. Those look great, your site is a real inspiration for my own games. The Egyptians were certainly on the wrong end of that encounter.

    1. Thanks Stuart, they're are so many interesting Bronze Age armies, it's definitely a favourite period. The Egyptians had quite a few archers so that probably didn't help their cause!

  3. Ah very cool Bronze Age gaming, Mike! At first I thought these were with 28mm figures (until reading they were 15mm). Have never tried out these rules, but they sound good.

    1. Thanks Dean, they are good and seem to be pretty popular, what I like is that you don't need vast numbers of figures to play.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, nice to get the 15mm out for a change.

  5. Lovely looking game with beaut terrain and figures.
    In this case, is it a worthwhile new version of a set of rules?
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James, it is fairly similar to v.3 I think, not that many changes to the rules but more army lists and better photos. I think v.3 was out of print and only available as a pdf.

    2. There are a few differences around specific troop types, integrated artillery etc that friends of mine who play it a lot say has changed the game quite a bit - certain troops that were not so viable are suddenly much more popular.

  6. That’s interesting John, different interpretations of troop types. I find warband and horse archer armies are generally not that great in ADLG but I also play MeG where they are much more effective.

  7. I'm a DBMM fan myself but I've played a few ADLG games since getting back into things, but only since v.4 appeared so I don't have a personal reference point, only what the others at the club have said, not all of which I remember since it wasn't really relevant to me. I think mixed shooting and spear (eg Nikephorian, some east Asian etc) formations have improved to the point that people who wouldn't consider them before are now using them.

    1. ADLG doesn’t seem that popular here in Australia but I’m not really into comps. That’s good to hear mixed units have improved, I’m painting some 15mm Mitanni at the moment and much of the infantry can be mixed.


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