Saturday, May 15, 2021

Numidian Command and Cavalry


Here are some Numidian cavalry and a command stand that I've just finished painting. These are all Victrix figures, some with LBM shield transfers. The horses are a bit over sized for slender Numidian ponies, Victrix seem to use the same three basic poses for all their cavalry sets. The recent release of the Osprey book, The Numidians 300 BC-300 AD, by William Horsted has got me thinking about my Numidian army again. There is a review of this book in a recent issue of Ancient Warfare magazine.

I have four command stands, quite a few cavalry units and two Victrix elephants painted, with two Crusader elephants nearly completed. I have made a start on some of the infantry, mainly Crusader and Renegade figures and this will be the bulk of the painting required. The plan is for an army of King Juba I (with his 'legions') but suitable for earlier armies as well.


  1. These look great! I also ordered victrix Greek/Macedonian cavalry
    not looking forward putting the pieces together. what base sizes should I use for the cavalry? I based my Macedonian Pikes and Greek hoplite infantry 4 figures on 40mm x 40mm bases

    1. Thanks Phil, the first box is always the worst, patience and reading the instructions definitely helps! DBX standard frontage for 25/28mm is 60mm, for LC you can easily fit two to a base. I use 25mm x 50mm individual bases for mine and use 80mm frontage for MeG and ADLG with movement trays. They're quite long so you may have to trim the base to fit on anything less than 50mm.

  2. First class Numidian cavalry, love the shields!!

    1. Thanks Phil, it will be good when I've finished some of the infantry.

  3. More lovely Numidians. They must be a fine looking force by now?
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James, I have heaps of cavalry and some elephants but need to finish off some infantry units.

  4. Very nice, Mike. Numidians are a bit like Spanish and Gauls in that you can always do with more of them. I'll be interested in seeing your Juban legions, and hopefully a refight of Thapsus very shortly afterwards!


    1. Thanks Aaron, absolutely they're always very handy. Hopefully I will refight Thapsus at some stage, really liked your article in Slingshot 323!

  5. Wonderfully painted and very useful cavalry, Mike! Love the hide pattern on the shields.

    1. Thanks Dean, they are very useful cavalry. I'll have to get cracking on the infantry.

  6. The cav came out nice. I did not know that Osprey recently came out with a Numidian book. I’ll have to look that one up. I’m doing Age of Hannibal for Saga, and I have a bag of Numidian cavalry from Victrix. What colors are you using for their skin?


    1. Thanks Kevin, the Numidians book is worth getting I think. I use two Foundry colours, Near Eastern Flesh and the darker Dusky Flesh.

  7. Splendid looking Numidians! It seems strange that victrix didn't do a dedicated Numidian horse set though!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, maybe it’s too expensive with plastics to redo the horses? I think they use the same three basic horse poses for all their cavalry sets.


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