Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Corinthian War - Coronea 394 BC - Command & Colors Ancients Game


Greeks deployed below Mt Helicon, Spartans on the right

Opposite end

Spartans and Greeks advance on their right flanks

Spartan right flank

Greek left flank

Double strength Thebans on the Greek right flank

Combat in the centre commences

Spartans and allies retreat

As mentioned in my last post this is the solo Coronea CCA game I played last Sunday afternoon. This was a much closer game and the Greeks enjoyed early success in the centre and were actually leading the game at one point 3-0. They were greatly hampered by poor cards, the double strength Thebans, the most resilient Greek unit, didn't actually fight in the whole game. In the end the Spartan right flank wiped out the entire Greek left flank to win a hard fought game 6-3 victory points.

Greeks have early success in the battle

Spartan MC attack Greek LC

Greek left flank starts to crumble

Spartan centre and left flank holds on

Greek left flank is driven back

Spartan centre and left flank is still under pressure

Greek left flank is destroyed

Spartans win a hard fought game 6-3 victory points


  1. Nice report again! Further to the remote play you were discussing on the last battle, have you played using VASSAL before? That would handle the game easily, and you could translate the on-board position onto the table so that you still get to see the figures in action. Cheers, Aaron

    1. Thanks Aaron, no I haven’t tried it but will check it out. Cheers, Mike.

    2. Re: my comment below, I can second the viability of Vassal. Been playing loads for months.

    3. Thanks fmb, good to hear that feed back, I’ve downloaded it and will download the CCA modules.

  2. More great Hoplite v. Hoplite gaming!

    1. Thanks Dean, another victory for the Spartans...

  3. That looks fantastic! Been playing a fair bit of this via Vassal during the plague, but this is inspiring - might have to break out my carthaginians.

    1. Thanks fmb, it’s fun as a board game or online but playing with figures does look good.


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