Saturday, July 10, 2021

Greek Hoplites


Here are some plastic Greek hoplites by Wargames Factory that I've just finished painting. The shield transfers are a mix of LBM and the old Immortal Miniatures water slide transfers. While they're not as nice as the Victrix hoplites, they're good value and still paint up quite well. The biggest draw back with them is the limited helmeted head options. They've been sitting half finished in a storage container for years but I have some Greek hoplite games planned and thought it would be good to add them to the mix and finish them off.


  1. Oh my, these look really great, Mike. I love the Corinthian helmets. You've changed my mind on these, and plan to get some soon.

    1. Thanks Dean, most of them have Corinthian helmets just one head option with an Attic style helmet with transverse crest. They’re not as nice as the Victrix hoplites but they scrub up OK.

  2. 'Scrub up'; understatment of the year! More magic work from your brush. Superb.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James, I have a solo CCA game planned, so will give them a run in that.

  3. Shield transfers add a lot to an already gorgeous unit...Congrats!

    1. Thanks Phil, nice shield transfers really transform a unit.

  4. Agree with all the above. Great addition to the collection!

    1. Thanks Aaron, I played two solo CCA games over the weekend, Nemea and Coronea so will post reports of those games.


Heroes and Slingers

  Above are some Irish heroes and a single Norse hero. We have a Norse vs Irish and a Norse vs Anglo-Danes Midgard game lined up in the next...