Monday, August 9, 2021

Carthaginian Elephants


Here are two Carthaginian elephants with mahout, that I've just finished painting. They're Agema Miniatures, with metal mahout, tusks and trunk and a resin elephant body. I have two massive 1st Corps Carthaginian elephants also with mahout alone but these figures are much better size. According to Mir Bahmanyar, author of the Osprey book Zama 202 BC, 'in general, the Carthaginian elephants deployed at Zama did not carry infantry in howdahs on their back' (p.42). Polybius and Livy do not give any details of the elephants' appearance in their accounts of the battle, so I'm not sure what this is based on.

Last Saturday we went on a cross country ski, day trip to Mt Selwyn. I'm not much of skier but this is a really nice area and about 20 years ago we did a winter ski park crossing from here to Guthega. The Mt Selwyn ski resort and much of the surrounding area burnt out in the 2019/20 summer bushfires. It was good to see a lot of new undergrowth on the smaller trees and at the resort they've built accomodation cabins.

The Big Trout Adaminaby

Lunch stop

Mt Jagungal hidden in cloud


  1. Oh! What a fantastic looking elephants!

    1. Thanks Michal, Agema have a 28mm Kickstarter Etruscan range that will be available soon too.

  2. Impressive elephants and scenery.

    1. Thanks Dean, it was good to go skiing, most of NSW is now in lockdown.

  3. Great looking elephants and splendid scenery, pity you're back in lockdown though!
    Best Iain

  4. Thanks Iain, we’re not actually in lockdown yet here in Canberra but a lot of NSW is.


Peter Connolly Books

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