Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Later Sargonid Assyrians versus Kimmerians Mortem et Gloriam Game


Side view with Assyrians left, Kimmerians right

Opposite end

Assyrian left flank

Assyrian centre

Assyrian right flank

Kimmerian right flank

Kimmerian centre

Kimmerian left flank

Last Tuesday afternoon I played a solo MeG Pacto game out in the shed. The Later Sargonid Assyrians took on an all cavalry Kimmerian force. This was my first MeG game with these armies, it was all a bit hit and miss, trial and error! The Kimmerian left flank optimistically charged the Assyrians early in the game, the noble cavalry broke in combat, while the horse archers retreated. The noble cavalry did managed to break the opposing Assyrian cavalry. On the Assyrian left flank the chariots and cavalry charged. The Kimmerian nobles eventually broke and one of the horse archer units evaded repeatedly until almost driven from the table. Meanwhile in the centre the skilled Kimmerian horse archers whittled away at the Assyrian Kisir Sharuti and Sab Sharri infantry. In the end they destroyed the entire centre and broke the Assyrian army.

Armies advance

Shooting starts

Kimmerian left flank charges

Combat doesn't go well

A retreat and a rout

Assyrian left flank charges

Horse archers evade, nobles countercharge

Assyrian cavalry charge again

Assyrians break in the centre


  1. Great looking game and next fantastic report!

    1. Thanks Michal, it was fun to use these armies in a game.

  2. Great looking game! I really like Assyrians, comes of spending ages in the British museum I guess!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, same here, I can think of worse places to spend a lot of time!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan, it was fun to play a game with them.


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