Monday, December 20, 2021

Ancient Greeks: Athletes, Warriors and Heroes Exhibition Part One


Marble statue of Nike, about 100 BCE,
found at Halikarnassos (modern Bodrum), Turkey

Terracotta statuette of Nike
Canosa, Puglia, Italy about 300-200 BCE

Gold earrings of Nike and Helios
about 350-250 BCE
found at Sami, Kefalonia, Greece

Silver dress pin of Nike
about 100-200 BCE

Nike offers a victor's ribbon
neck amphora red figure pottery
made in Athens about 470-460 BCE
attributed to Hermonax
found at Nola, Campania, Italy

Marble statue of a discus thrower
probably from Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy, 120-140 CE
after a Greek original, about 425-400 BCE

Marble head from a statue of Zeus
Italy 1st century BCE
after a Greek original, about 460-450 BCE
found at Formia, Lazio, Italy

Silver coin of Zeus and his symbol, the eagle
minted in Elis, Peloponnese, Greece, about 200-100 BCE

A marble relief dedication to Artemis 
about 400 BCE
found at Krannon, Thessaly, Greece

Silver coin minted in Pella, Macedonia, about 359-336 BCE
probably commemorating Phillip's II of Macedonia,
victory in an equestrian event in the Olympic Games of 356 BCE

Silver coin minted in Messina, Sicily, Italy after 484 BCE
celebrating mule-cart racing victory of Anaxilas of Rhegium (494-476 BCE)

Pentathletes Tyrrhenian amphora black figure pottery
made in Athens, about 540 BCE
found at Cerveteri, Lazio, Italy

Opposite side of above amphora

Athletes Phayllos and Ladamas
amphora red figure pottery
made in Athens, about 520-500 BCE
found at Vulci, Lazio, Italy

Opposite side of above amphora

Athletes training session
Hydria (water jar) red figure pottery
Athens about 510-500 BCE

I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy (and safe) gaming, blogging and painting for 2022! 

Last Friday, the Ancient Greeks: Athletes, Warriors and Heroes exhibition from the British Museum opened at the National Museum of Australia, here in Canberra. This exhibition is open from 17 December 2021 until 1 May 2022 before moving on to Auckland. Some of my photos, didn't turn out very well, so I haven't included those and apologies for the poor quality of some of the photos I have included.

Marble Vaison Diadoumenos
about 120-140 CE
after a Greek original, about 430 BCE
found at Vaison, Vaucluse, France

Frontal view of above statue

Four pairs of boxers - Chairestratos kalos
Kylix (drinking cup) red figure pottery
made in Athens, about 500-490 BCE
attributed to Douris
probably found at Vulci, Lazio, Italy

Boxers amphora black figure pottery
made in Athens, about 480-460 BCE
found at Nola Campania, Italy

Wrestlers silver coin
minted at Aspendos, Turkey, about 420-370 BCE

Bronze head from a statue of an athlete
about 400-350 BCE
found near Rome

Rider presented with a wreath by Nike
Bell Krater red figure pottery
made in Lucania (modern Basilicata), Italy
about 390-370 BCE
attributed to the Anabates painter

The quadriga (four-horse chariot race)
Panathenaic amphora black figure pottery
made in Athens, about 520 BCE
found at Kamiros, Rhodes Greece

The keles (bare backed racing event)
Panathenaic prize amphora black figure pottery
made in Athens, about 500-490 BCE
attributed to the Eucharides Painter
probably found at Vulci, Lazio, Italy

12 Labours of Herakles
Labour 1: Slay the lion of Nemea
Hydria (water jar) black figure pottery
made in Athens, about 520-510 BCE
attributed to the Alkmene Painter
found at Vulci, Lazio, Italy

12 Labours of Herakles
Labour 10: Capture the cattle of Geryon
neck amphora black figure pottery
made in Athens about 500 BCE
attributed to the Group of London B250
found at Vulci, Lazio, Italy

12 Labours of Herakles
Labour 3: Capture the Erymanthian boar
amphora black figure pottery
made in Athens, about 520-500 BCE
attributed to the Antimenes Painter
found at Vulci, Lazio, Italy

Herakles and Triton
Hydria (water jar) black figure pottery
made in Athens, about 530-520
found at Vulci, Lazio, Italy

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Sassanid Commmand


Here are two Sassanid command stands that I've just finished painting. The figures are all A&A Miniatures with LBM banner and shield transfers. We've got a Sassanids versus Late Romans game lined up early next month, so these command stands will feature in that game.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Etruscan Chariot


Here's an Etruscan chariot that I've just finished painting. The figures are from Gorgon Studios and are Lars Porsenna, the Etruscan king with a chariot driver and a second class spearman. Shield transfers are by LBM. The bronze panels on the chariot are based on the famous Etruscan chariot from Monteleone di Spoleto which dates to c. 530 BC and which can be seen in the Metropolitan Museum of Art:

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Indians versus Late Achaemenid Persians Mortem et Gloriam Game


Indians on the left, Persians on the right

Opposite end of the table

Persian cavalry and Greek hoplites

Indian right flank

Darius, Persian cavalry and Kardakes

Indian left flank advances

On Wednesday afternoon Garry and Craig came over to my place and we played a Pacto sized Mortem et Gloriam (MeG) game out in the shed. Craig and I commanded the Indians, while Garry commanded the Late Achaemenid Persians. The Indian left flank got off to a bad start with the four horse chariots and elephants charging Greek hoplites, only to be routed in the same turn. After some desultory shooting by the Indians in the centre, the Persians closed in combat. The Indians tried the same tactic on the right flank but the Persian cavalry ran away. At this point we ran out of time but with both sides committed in combat, the Persians definitely had the upper hand.

Armies close

Indian chariots and elephants charge Greek hoplites

Indian chariots and elephants are broken

Indians shoot in the centre

Indian chariots and elephants charge

Persian cavalry run away

Final turn the Persians have the advantage

Early New Kingdom Egyptian Chariots

  Here are some 15mm early New Kingdom Egyptian chariots by Khurasan Miniatures. These are from the 18th Dynasty, part of the army of the gr...