Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sumerian ADLG Game


Armies deployed - Lagash left, Ur right

Archers and slingers exchange fire 

Armies advance

Ur spearmen wheel in the centre

Royal Guard of Lagash

Here's another post from the archives, a Sumerian ADLG game, Craig and I played about five years ago. Craig commanded the army of Lagash, while I commanded the army of Ur. Again I don't remember too much about this, apart from the fact that it was a great victory for Lagash!

I've got another Sumerian game planned, using the same armies which have increased in size since then. This will be a Magna sized MeG game with the army of Lagash under King Eannatum and that of Umma under King Ur-luma (these will actually be the troops of Ur). The Sumerian Shakespeare site has a great page on the Sumerian "Hundred Years War" between Lagash and Umma which was fought over the possession of the fertile fields of Guedena:

A History of the Wars between Umma and Lagash

Ur battle cars smash into Lagash archers

Lagash battle cars lumber forward

Battle cars collide on the Ur right flank

Ditto on the Ur left flank

Gaps appear in the Ur line

Still slogging it out in the centre


  1. This looks great, Mike! Hoping to see more of this.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, hopefully I will get the Sumerian MeG game in the next week.

  2. The chariots look excellent in action.

    1. Thanks Ray, the MeG Sumerian game should be fun.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, the Sumerian armies are a lot of fun.


Heroes and Slingers

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