Forces deployed from the Athenian side |
Forces deployed from the Spartan side |
End of turn one |
On Sunday I met Robert down at the Vikings Club in Lanyon for a 28mm MeG Pacto game of Spartans vs Athenians. I haven't played a game down here for over two years, since the start of the pandemic but it was good to see Ian and all the usual suspects there. Robert was the attacker with his Spartans and we ended up with a mountainous secure flank on the Athenians' right and a wood on the opposite side. We used a 6' x 4' mat with standard 60mm base widths for distances.
The Athenians were out scouted by 80% so had to deploy most of their army first. Both sides advanced quickly and we were in combat by the second turn. Casualties mounted and before long the Athenian centre was buckling under pressure from the Exceptional Spartan Hippeis. The Spartans burst through here and it was all over for the Athenians, with the Spartans easily winning 15-6. It was fun to get the hoplites out and play a game after such a long absence from the club.
Spartans and Athenians close in combat |
Casualties mount, Athenian centre is buckling |
Spartans burst through in the centre |
Spartans win easily 15-6 |