Sunday, July 10, 2022

Social War - Via Valeria 90 BC - Command & Colors Ancients Game


Romans are ambushed on the Via Valeria

Opposite end

Italians play a Double Time card

Romans counter attack

On Sunday out in the shed I played a solo Command & Colors Ancients (CCA) game. The scenario was from the Social War in 90 BC, where a Roman force under Perperna was ambushed on the Via Valeria pass, by an Italian force under Publius Praesentas. There were quite a few special rules and a reduced card deck for this scenario, check out the CCA site if interested:

It's probably best played solo, as the Romans don't have much of chance. The Italians got off to a flying start playing a Double Time card (one of two in their hand!). The Romans counter attacked moving away from their column on the road which hampered their ability to fight back. The Romans suffered heavy casualties at the front of the column, their efforts merely delayed the inevitable result, with the Italians wining easily 6-2 victory points.

Heavy casualties at the front of the Roman column

Romans have no chance

Italians win easily 6-2 victory points


  1. Great to see a lot of great miniatures ( painted!) on battlefield!!

    1. Thanks Michal, the Romans didn’t last very long but the Italians enjoyed it.

  2. Great looking game and nice to play an unbalanced game occasionally!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it was one sided but still fun.

  3. Great looking game and troops again, Mike. I just love the name of the war.

    1. Thanks Dean, I guess it comes from the Italians being Roman socii (allies).


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