Friday, December 16, 2022

Secure the Road - Rebels and Patriots Peninsular War Game


Forces deployed

British defenders

French attackers

Both sides advance

Shooting commences

French lancers are broken by British fire

On Friday afternoon I played a solo Rebels and Patriots late Peninsular War game out in the shed. The scenario was to secure the road, both sides had twenty six points, the French were the attackers and the British the defenders. The two sides advanced and the French lancers were soon broken and then routed by some withering British fire. Undaunted the French infantry pressed the attack and were able to kill the British officer and break his unit with shooting. All the British units were veterans but the French had the weight of numbers and were eventually able to break and then rout the Kings German Legion unit. The French had secured the road and the surviving British had no option but to retreat.

The French have the weight of numbers

British officer is killed and his unit broken

KGL unit is broken and retreats

French charge the KGL

Casualties mount for the Brits

French secure the road


  1. This is a different period for you. How are you liking R&P in particular and Napoleonics in general?

    1. Yes Jonathan, ancients is my main interest and always seems to come first but I do enjoy R&P and Napoleonics.

  2. Very interesting conflict and great battle.

    1. Thanks Michal, it’s good to get the Napoleonics out.

  3. A slightly surprising result with the attackers prevailing....previous AAR's of R&P gave suggested it's very hard to win as the attackers under these rules. In general, you might expect attackers in any period and rule set to require a points advantage too.

    1. Interesting, that was definitely the case in my last R&P game, the French actually out shot the British in this game and failed when they tried to close in combat.


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