Zulus and British deployed |
Zulus advance |
British form close order |
Last Wednesday night I went over to Rick's place and we played an Anglo-Zulu War game of The Men Who Would Be Kings. Rick and Gary commanded the British and I was the Zulu commander. The scenario was To the Last Bullet (p.48), which is based on the retreat of forty 80th Foot, under the command of Serjeant Booth, from a Zulu ambush at Intombe River. This proved to a very one sided game and a tough scenario for the Zulu attackers. I had four units of umarried Tribal Infantry who were fierce and two units of married Tribal Infantry who were veterans. The British had three units of Regular Infantry and only two of these did any actual fighting!
The British volley fire proved brutally efficient and only one Zulu unit made it into combat, they were beaten off with ease and then blown away in the next turn. Failed attempts to rally saw most of the pinned Zulu units rout. More terrain and better dice may have helped the Zulus but their best chance seemed to be to try and get behind the front firing arc of the close order British infantry. Still it was fun to get out and use Rick's Zulus and British.
Back Zulu unit rallies from pinning, the rest advance |
Attack at the double! |
Brits fight off the attack, Zulu unit retreats pinned |
Zulus are pounded by volley fire |
Attack fails, most Zulu units rout |