Sunday, January 1, 2023

Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe War of the Roses Game


Lancastrian and Yorkist forces deployed

The two sides advance

Lancastrian light horse charge, Yorkist light horse counter charge

Happy New Year to everyone for 2023!

Last Wednesday afternoon Rick, Garry and Craig came over and we played our first Billhooks Deluxe War of the Roses game. Rick and Garry commanded the Lancastrians and Craig and I were the Yorkist commanders. The two sides had very similar armies with four commanders and 141 points a side. This turned out to be a very quick and one sided affair. 

The two forces advanced and exchanged fire before the Lancastrian light horse charged the Yorkist light horse. The Yorkist light horse counter charged but were swiftly broken. Panic swept across the Yorkist troops as many of their archers and billmen failed their morale tests and broke in turn. Obviously we should have kept the light horse outside the twelve inch morale crisis test range. We also forgot that the veteran archers and billmen could reroll ones on their morale crisis test. Lessons learned for the next game!

Yorkist light horse are broken

Several failed morale tests and the game is all over!


  1. Great looking battle!
    Love to see more game of that system.

    1. Thanks Michal, we’ve played four other games of Billhooks, always good fun.

  2. Its good to see Billhooks being played. They are very good wargames rules.Lovely looking game.

    1. Thanks, it is a lot of fun, looking forward to trying out some of the other conflicts in Billhooks Deluxe.


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