Friday, April 28, 2023

Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe Game Two


Forces deployed from the Yorkist side

From the Lancastrian side

Forces advance

Early cards and shooting favours the Lancastrians

Lancastrian archers find their mark

Shooting casualties mount

Last Thursday afternoon Craig came over to my place and we played another War of the Roses, Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe game, out in the shed. Craig commanded the Lancastrians and I had the Yorkists. We both had a 130 points a side with three leaders and wards each. I was keen to use the Irish kerns I'd just painted and had three skirmisher units of these as well as a formed unit from the Hibernia list. Craig had more archer units on his side and the early cards and shooting certainly favoured the Lancastrians. My depleted formed kerns charged into combat with a Lancastrian archer unit in the centre and were promptly routed. 

Every morale crisis test in the game I seemed to roll at least a single 1, if not snake eyes! While this gave a reroll for veteran units for a single 1, it meant my archers and kern on the left flank were soon routing as well. My billmen on the left charged and both billmen units were in disarray and eventually routed. The men-at-arms in the centre fought it out and eventually the Yorkists and their leader were routed after a flank charge. The Lancastrian left flank was in tatters but it was all over. It was a bloody and brutal game, that was surprisingly close at times. It was fun to use the kerns but I think more veteran archers and billmen would have been better value for the points.

Yorkist archers and kerns on the left flank rout

Yorkist billmen on the left flank charge

Both billmen units are in disarray 

Men-at-Arms fight it out in the centre

Lancastrian archers evade Yorkist billmen on the right

Yorkist men-at-arms & leader rout from flank charge


  1. Crazy Irish is all I can say mate! Looks good mate

    1. Thanks Matt, they’re fun rules, plays a bit like WAB AoC but it is card activated as well.

  2. Great looking game as always sir!
    Best regards

    1. Thanks Michal, time for a Guinness after that.

  3. Great looking game, I got the free rule set , still haven't tried it but sounds like fun?!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it is a lot of fun, you should get Billhooks Deluxe and try it with you Italian Wars collection.


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