Philistines with Midianite Allies |
Philistine and Hebrew forces deployed |
Hebrew Gibborim with the Ark of the Covenant on the left |
Midianites advance, Philistines fail activation |
Hebrews all advance |
Last Friday morning I played a solo Chariots Rampant game, out in the shed, with the Hebrews taking on the Philistines and their Midianite allies. The game was the usual Bloodbath scenario with the additional aim, for the Philistines, of capturing the Ark of the Covenant ( a sacred relic +1 to all Hebrew units within 12" with their courage tests). The Philistines were the attackers but fail to activate in their first couple of turns. Only the Midianites actually advanced and found their range against the Hebrew chariots. The Hebrews advanced and were soon shooting with their chariots and light infantry.
The Hebrew light infantry on the far right failed a courage test from shooting casualties and routed. The Hebrew leader attempted to bolster the right flank but the Philistine chariots charged the remaining light infantry. These retreated battered but the Philistine leader was killed by lucky blows. Unconcerned the Philistines and Midianites carried on. In the centre the Hebrew Gibborim with the Ark of the Covenant fought valiantly but suffered shooting casualties and eventually routed. The Ark of the Covenant was captured with an easy victory for the Philistines and Midianites.
Whenever Israel sowed seed the Midianites would march up with Amalek and the sons of the east. They would march on Israel. They would pitch camp on their territory and destroy the produce of the country as far as Gaza. They left Israel nothing to live on, not a sheep or an ox or a donkey, for they came up as thick as locusts with their camels and their tents; they and their camels were innumerable, they invaded the country to pillage it.
(Judges 6:34-35)
So the Philistines gave battle and Israel was defeated, each man fleeing to his tent. The slaughter was very great; on the Israelite side thirty thousand foot soldiers fell. The ark of God was captured too, and Hophni and Phineas the two sons of Eli died.
(1 Samuel 4:10-11)
Quoted in Warriors of the Old Testament by Mark Healy, p.39 and 58. Brockhamton Press, London, 1998.
Midianites find bow range against the Hebrew chariots |
Hebrew chariots and light infantry shoot |
Hebrew light infantry rout |
Hebrew leader attempts to bolster right flank |
Hebrew light infantry retreat battered |
Hebrew Gibborim rout, the Ark of the Covenant is captured! |