Sunday, July 9, 2023

Lion Rampant at BelCon


Game One - Irish and Byzantines deployed

Irish elite infantry, warriors & skirmishers

Irish warriors & skirmishers

More Irish warriors & skirmishers

Much of the game involved
moving around the hill in the centre

Byzantine horse archers shoot

Left flank is tempting

Last Saturday I played in a Lion Rampant event with my Nikephorian Byzantines as part of BelCon II (8th and 9th July 2023) held at the Raiders’ Club in Kippax. Each player had the same 24 point warband and played three games with the scenarios of Bloodbath, the Convoy and Hold on Tight. Here are some photos of the three games. It was a fun relaxed day of gaming and everyone seemed to enjoy it. There were plenty of other great looking games and competitions at BelCon including 15mm Mortem et Gloriam, 6mm Blucher Napoleonics, 28mm Billhooks Italia and 28mm ACW with Pickett’s Charge.

Irish gather on the hill

Irish warriors charge Byzantine heavy infantry

Irish warriors retreat battered

Byzantine leader is killed in a challenge

Irish are below half strength

Game Two - Byzantine convoy
starts out against the Saracens

Seljuk light cavalry

Seljuk light cavalry

Heavy cavalry, Azerbaijani
warrior infantry and skirmishers

Byzantine convoy and Saracens close and shoot

More shooting

Byzantines attempt to force the gap

Casualties mount

The convoy stalls - Byzantine elite cavalry fail to
 activate repeatedly with wild charges

Game Three - Forces deployed

Byzantine heavy infantry
hold the objective on the hill


  1. Sounds like a great event and some lovely looking armies in addition to your own!
    Best Iain


Dark Age Irish and Norse Gael Warriors

  Here are some Dark Age or Early Medieval Irish and Norse Gael/Hiberno Norse warriors. Figures are by Gripping Beast and Crusader Miniature...