Monday, September 4, 2023

Mercian and Northumbrian Skirmishers


Here are some 7th century Mercian and Northumbrian skirmishers that I've just finished painting. There are three units or two bases each of javelinmen and archers. These are 15mm Wiglaf Miniatures for Dan Mersey's Age of Penda rules. They're gorgeous figures sculpted by Mark Copplestone. The rules use offset grids or hexes and all the skirmishers are treated the same regardless of weapons. I'm planning on using a 5 inch hex mat and these figures just squeeze into it, you need to be able to fit three units a side, under the rules, per grid or hex.


Anglo-Saxon Thegns

  Here are some Anglo-Saxon Thegns that I've just finished painting. The figures are from the Gripping Beast plastic set with LBM shield...