Friday, October 13, 2023

Billhooks Deluxe Game Four


Yorkists deployed on the left,
Lancastrians on the right

Opposite end

Yorkists advance

Last Thursday afternoon Craig came over and we played a 130 point Billhooks Deluxe, War of the Roses game out in the shed. Craig commanded the Lancastrians and I had the Yorkists. This was a practice game as Craig is playing in the Billhooks Italia and Albion comp at BelCon which will be held at the Raiders Club in Kippax over the weekend of 21-22 October 2023. This BelCon has a number of other events/comps, including 15mm MeG and 28mm Black Powder and Bolt Action. Tickets for entry to the events can be purchased on the Olympian Games website.

Craig tried some archers with stakes in his force while I had more men-at-arms, billmen and skirmishers. As the attacker I tried to advance as quickly as possible before losing casualties to the inevitable arrow storm. My men-at arms on the left flank charged the Lancastrian billmen, after two rounds of combat the billmen retreated daunted with both commanders wounded and reduced to dolt/single command level. My men-at arms were wiped out but the supporting billmen were still in tact. In the centre my other unit of men-at-arms charged his billmen and his Commander in Chief was killed in a duel with mine. End of a fun, if chaotic game!

Skirmishers and artillery fire

Lancastrian archers double shoot 

Yorkist men-at-arms charge Lancastrian billmen

Lancastrian Commander-in-Chief is killed in a duel


  1. Ah, interesting looking game again, Mike. Sort of reminds me of WAB, in a good way.

  2. Thanks Dean, it’s card driven but also uses dice for shooting and combat and is quite like WAB AoC.

  3. Excellent looking game, I've got the copy that came with wargames illustrated but haven't got around to trying it, I have difficulty retaining multiple rules for periods unlike your good self!
    Best Iain

  4. Thanks Iain, same here, the brain can only cope with so many rule sets before reaching information overload!


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