Thursday, December 28, 2023

Discovering Ancient Egypt Exhibition National Museum of Australia Part Two


Wood model boat, 11th Dynasty, c. 2080-1940 BCE

Wood model granary, Middle Kingdom, c. 1980-1760 BCE

Red sandstone Stela, Middle Kingdom,
c. 1980-1760 BCE, Abydos

Limestone offering table, Middle Kingdom,
c. 1980-1760 BCE, Abydos

Papyrus Book of the Dead of Nesnakht,
Ptolemaic Period, c.304-30 BCE

Papyrus Book of the Dead of Nesnakht,
Ptolemaic Period, c.304-30 BCE

Papyrus Book of the Dead of Nesnakht,
Ptolemaic Period, c.304-30 BCE

Papyrus Book of the Dead of Nesnakht,
Ptolemaic Period, c.304-30 BCE

Papyrus Book of the Dead of Asetweret,
30th Dynasty, c.380-343 BCE

Painted wood Stela of Pamaaf, Third Intermediate Period,
22nd Dynasty, c.943-746 BCE, Thebes
Painted wood Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figure of Tentamun,
Third Intermediate Period, c.1076-723 BCE, Thebes

Basalt statue fragment with magical text,
Late Period, 26th Dynasty, c.664-525 BCE
Painted wood Stela of Hor,
Late Period, 26th Dynasty, c.664-525 BCE

Granodorite statue of Isis, Graeco-Roman-Roman Empire Period,
c. 304 BCE-307 CE

Limestone funerary stela, Graeco-Roman Period, 100-200 CE,
Kom Abu Billu, Terenouthis, Egypt

Coffin of Haytemhat, Late Period, c.722-332 BCE,
possibly Saqqara or El-Hibeh

Coffin of Haytemhat, Late Period, c.722-332 BCE,
possibly Saqqara or El-Hibeh

Mummy cover of Khonsuhotep, Third Intermediate Period, 
c.1076-944 BCE, Thebes

Inner coffin of Khonsuhotep, Third Intermediate Period, 
c.1076-944 BCE, Thebes 

Inner coffin of Khonsuhotep, Third Intermediate Period, 
c.1076-944 BCE, Thebes

Mummy cover of Amenhotep, 21st Dynasty,
c. 1076-944 BCE, Thebes

Inner coffin of Amenhotep, 21st Dynasty,
c. 1076-944 BCE, Thebes

Inner coffin of Amenhotep, 21st Dynasty,
c. 1076-944 BCE, Thebes

Sandstone group statue, 18th Dynasty, c.1425-1499 BCE

Limestone statue of Paherpenes, Late Period, c. 722-332 BCE
Woman with lotus-shaped fly whisk, Graeco-Roman Period, c. 304-30 BCE
Osiris figure of Hor, 26th Dynasty, c.664-525 BCE

Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figure of Irethorru, Graeco-Roman Period, c. 722 BCE or later
Statue of Irnakhtamun and Wawi, New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1293-1191 BCE

Wood, linen, glass and gilded wood pectoral,
New Kingdom, c.1539-1077 BCE

Greenstone heart scarabs, date unknown

Papyrus with amulet list, Ptolemaic Period, c.304-30 BCE

Outer coffin of Hor, 25th Dynasty,
c. 722-655 BCE, Thebes

Linen amulets, dates unknown

Shabti of Nehi, Second Intermediate Period, c. 1759-1539 BCE
Shabti of Psamtek, Late Period, c.722-332 BCE
Shabti of Horwedja, 30th Dynasty, c. 380-343 BCE, Hawara
Shabti of Ta, 19th Dynasty, c.1292-1191 BCE, Thebes
Faience Shabtis of Meritaton and Nespaneferher, 21st Dynasty,
c. 1076-944 BCE, Deir el-Bahari
Shabti of Byat, 18th Dynasty, c.1390-1353 BCE

Faience Shabtis of Meritaton and Nespaneferher, 21st Dynasty, 
c. 1076-944 BCE, Deir el-Bahari
Shabti of Byat, 18th Dynasty, c.1390-1353 BCE
Shabti of Paherypedjet, 19th Dynasty, c. 1292-1191 BCE
Shabti of Mery, 18th Dynasty, c.1390-1353 BCE
Shabti and coffin model of Ipy, 18th-19th Dynasties, c. 1539-1191 BCE

Outer coffin of Hor, 25th Dynasty, 
c. 722-655 BCE, Thebes

Cartonnage foot cover, Graeco-Roman Period, c. 304-30 BCE, Saqqara
Gilded mask, Graeco-Roman-Ptolemaic Period, c. 304-30 BCE
Mummy portrait of a man, Roman Period, 1st-2nd century CE
Cartonnage collar, Graeco-Roman Period, c.304-30 BCE

Cartonnage of Pawiamen, 25th Dynasty, c.722-525 BCE, Thebes 


Dark Age Irish and Norse Gael Warriors

  Here are some Dark Age or Early Medieval Irish and Norse Gael/Hiberno Norse warriors. Figures are by Gripping Beast and Crusader Miniature...