Friday, January 12, 2024

With Hot Lead and Cold Steel First Game - Iuka 1862


Confederate view of the table

Union view of the table with Mower's brigade
at the rear ready to come on in turn three

Sullivan's brigade advances

Sanborn's brigade advances

Confederates dig in

First fire

Last Thursday afternoon Craig, Gary and Robert came over and we played an ACW game out in the shed. Craig was keen to try the new Osprey ACW rules, With Hot Lead and Cold Steel. These are similar to Black Powder but use D10s rather than D6s. Craig had made up a two page QRS which was very handy. The scenario was Iuka 1862, we used the one on p.136 in the Glory, Hallelujah, Black Powder supplement. Craig and Gary were the Union commanders and Robert and I were stuck with the Confederate command.

The two Union brigades advanced, their objective was to hold the road junction after seven turns. The Confederate brigades just dug in the woods which meant they counted as being in heavy cover. Regiments from both sides became unnerved and retreated early on but were able to rally and continue the fight. Union reinforcements from Mower's Brigade arrived on turn three and the Confederates were slowly but surely being whittled down. Confederate regiments from Herbert's and Martin's brigades panicked and retreated but were able to rally and dig in again. A desperate final Union charge nearly succeeded but the Confederates were able to just hang on.

Union regiments in Sullivan's brigade
become unnerved and retreat

Sanborn's Brigade suffer heavy casualties

Union reinforcements from Mower's Brigade arrive 

Confederate regiments from Herbert's and Martin's
brigades panic and retreat

Confederates rally and dig in again

Desperate final Union charge


  1. That looks a superb game! Lovely set up and gorgeous figures. How did the rules compare to others you have used for the period? Best wishes, Jason

    1. Thanks Jason, it is similar to Black Powder, apart from the D10s, it has differences, use of ADCs to help with orders, returning fire, separate artillery and shooting phases, different artillery and morale rules. It is designed for 28mm figures and worked fine. There are so many ACW rules to choose from, its appeal would depend a lot on your rule preferences.

  2. Great looking ACW game and figures, Mike. Hmm, very interesting that you say they are somewhat similar to Black Powder, and used D10's too.

    1. Thanks Dean, I think if you like Black Powder you would probably like WHLCS as well, though there are differences.


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