Sunday, September 29, 2024

Blemmye Cavalry and More Infantry


Here are some Blemmye cavalry and more archers and javelin men for my 15mm Blemmye and Nobotae army. Figures are by Forged in Battle and Donnington Miniatures. The Nobotae king with the crown next to the standard and the cavalry figures on the left are Donnington, the rest are Forged in Battle. It's been pretty quiet on the gaming and painting front lately, I had a stack on my mtb and hurt my ribs so haven't been up to much for a while. I now have enough painted Blemmye for a Lion Rampant game and have some Forged in Battle Middle Imperial Romans as well as Legio Heroica Late Romans to paint and use as opponents.

Blemmye so far - elephants, cavalry,
archers and javelin men


  1. Nice figures and really well painted, any army with elephants is always good in my opinion!

    1. Thanks Donnie, ellies are always fun and the Blemmyes also had plenty of camels as well.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, nice to do some 15mm for a change.


Heroes and Slingers

  Above are some Irish heroes and a single Norse hero. We have a Norse vs Irish and a Norse vs Anglo-Danes Midgard game lined up in the next...