Sunday, December 1, 2024

Trojan War Hero - Sarpedon, King of Lycia


Here's a Trojan War hero for Midgard Heroic Battles that I've just finished painting. He is Sarpedon, King of the Lukka (Lycians), who was an ally of the Trojans in Homer's Iliad. Figures are by Redoubt Enterprises who have an excellent Trojan Wars range. I already have Sea People Lukka and Pelset chariots and warriors painted that I can use for Lycians, as allies for the Trojan side. Homer has a great description of him in the Iliad when the Trojans storm the rampart to the Achaeans' camp:

But not even now would Trojans and Prince Hector
have burst appart the rampart's gates and huge bar
if Zeus the Master Strategist had not driven
his own son Sarpedon straight at the Argives,
strong as a lion raiding crooked-horn cattle.
Quickly Sarpedon swung his shield before him -
balanced and handsome beaten bronze a bronzesmith
hammered out with layer on layer of hide inside
and stitched with gold rivets on the rim.
That splendid shield he gripped before his chest
and shaking a pair of spears went stalking out
like a mountain lion starved for meat too long
and the lordly heart inside him fires him up
to raid some stormproof fold, to go at the sheep,
and even if he should light on herdsmen at the spot,
guarding their flocks with dogs and bristling spears,
the marauder has no mind to be driven off that steading,
not without an attack. All or nothing - he charges flocks
and hauls of bloody prey or he's run through himself
at the first assault with a fast spear driven home.

Homer Iliad 13.337-356 translated by Robert Fagles, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1998, pp.334-335.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Aaron, excellent figures the Redoubt Trojan Wars range.

  2. A particularly heroic looking figure, very nicely done, never really seen much of the Redoubt range, they do indeed look excellent.

    1. Thanks Donnie, they do have some excellent ranges.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, hopefully we will play a Midgard Trojan War game later this month.

  4. Good looking model of the great hero.


Heroes and Slingers

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