Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Trojan War Midgard Game


Side view of Trojan defenders on the left and
Greek attackers on the right

Aeneas and Trojan warriors close on
Achilles' Myrmidons in the centre

Diomedes and Greek chariots in combat
with Sarpedon's Lycian warriors

Last Monday afternoon Craig came over to my place and we played a Trojan War Midgard game. We used the 300 point Greek and Trojan lists in Chapter 16 of the rules. Craig commanded the Greek attackers and I commanded the Trojan defenders. It was Craig's first game and my second, while we were still figuring things out, we both really enjoyed it. Garry and George also came over to check out the game as spectators. After a few turns we got in to the swing of things with heroes attached to units opting to fight single combats. 

Aeneas was killed by Achilles and both Greek and Trojan chariots on the right flank were routed. Sarpedon's Lycian warriors routed the Greek chariots on their left flank and Diomedes, the Greek army commander, was also killed. The Trojan warriors had better luck with their dice and the use of supports to save casualties really helped their cause. Once the Myrmidons routed in the centre with Achilles wounded, the Greeks soon had lost their final reputation token and the game.

Diomedes is killed and chariots rout

Myrmidons rout and Achilles is wounded

Skirmishers in combat, Greeks lose the game


  1. I’ve never heard of the game and had to look it up. For someone like me that plays Saga, C&CA’s, and Never Mind the Billhooks, would this be something people who play those systems would like? It would be great to hear more on your take of the system.


    1. I think you would like it Kevin, it has small unit sizes (12 figures or less) and is designed for heroic battles. There’s more info on his blog: https://mogsymakes.net/midgard/.

    2. No worries Kevin, I’ve only played two games but enjoyed them both.

  2. Grand looking game and a few of the Heroes took a battering, good stuff!

    1. Thanks Donnie, the single combat for heroes can be unforgiving, but it was good fun for sure.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank Ray, it was a lot of fun, definitely recommend it.


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