Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Sea Peoples versus New Kingdom Egyptians Midgard Game


Armies deployed from the Egyptian side

Egyptian commander and Sea Peoples prisoners

Sea Peoples' ox cart

New Kingdom Egyptians

Last Wednesday afternoon Garry and Robert came over and we played a Sea Peoples versus New Kingdom Egyptians Midgard game out in the shed. Robert was recovering from running the MeG comp at Cancon, so he just watched the game. Garry commanded the Egyptian attackers and I commanded the Sea Peoples defenders. The Egyptian chariots proved very effective with their shooting and soon routed the javelin armed Sea Peoples' chariots. The armies closed but infantry combat didn't see an improvement in the Sea Peoples' fortune. Their army commander was killed in single combat by the Egyptian commander and after several rounds of combat an Egyptian archer unit routed a Sherden warrior unit to claim the Sea Peoples' final reputation token and win the game.

Sea Peoples

Egyptian attackers advance

Chariots on the Sea Peoples' left flank

Armies close

Infantry combat

Sea Peoples lose the game


  1. Lovely looking armies on show, the Egyptians just to strong for the Sea Peoples on this occasion, like the prisoner vignette too, nice little scene.

    1. Thanks Donnie, yes the Egyptian shooting really made a difference in the game.

  2. Lovely looking game, how did you find Midguard? I've picked it up and am hoping to have a go with my Dux Bellorum armies when I get back home, it sounded like a bit like Dux Bellorum but with the issues fixed?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it’s excellent for Bronze and Dark Age games. It has some similarities but is different as far well.


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