Friday, February 14, 2025

Hittites versus New Kingdom Egyptians Midgard Game


Egyptians on the left, Hittites on the right

Hittites advance

End of turn one

Egyptian chariots charge in to combat

Last Thursday afternoon Robert came over to my place and we played a Hittites versus New Kingdom Egyptians Midgard game out in the shed. We diced for sides, Robert commanded the Hittite attackers and I commanded the Egyptian defenders. Both sides advanced and after shooting the Egyptian chariots on both flanks charged in to combat. The Hittite chariots on the Egyptian right flank were routed but the Hittite infantry charged in and this infantry combat was to decide the game. The Egyptian army commander who was attached to a unit of mace/axemen was killed in single combat by the Hittite army commander. Units with a charging or winning marker can reroll ones in combat and the Hittites quickly got on a roll and routed two units of Egyptian spearmen. The Egyptians lost their final reputation token and the game.


Hittite chariots are routed on
the Egyptian right flank

Infantry combat on the Egyptian right flank

Infantry combat on the Egyptian left flank

Egyptians lose their final reputation
token and the game


  1. Always good to see a chariot wars game, it sounds like if you get on a roll it can unravel quite fast for your opponent? Based on this and tge last game?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, absolutely it can unravel quickly once your heroes are killed. It took about two hours but the result is usually decided by warrior units in combat. It’s good fun, looking forward to some Dark Ages games.

  2. Another great looking game, lovely miniatures on show, Midgard certainly looks to give some fun encounters.

    1. Thanks Donnie, it’s good fun for sure, and gives a quick game as well.

  3. Another awesome Ancients game with fabulous figures. Reminds me of my first wargame experience, my Trojan War Mycenaeans vs. a buddy's NKE army - using WAB.

    1. Thanks Dean, it is fun and fast, plays a bit like WAB, not surprising with the author’s background.


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