Monday, February 10, 2025

War of the Roses - Saga Age of Chivalry Game


Yorkists left and Lancastrians right deployed

Opposite end

Lancastrian longbowmen and commander

Lancastrian longbowmen retreat 

Handgunners take heavy shooting casualties on the right

Last Thursday afternoon Craig came over and we played a War of the Roses Saga game, with the new Saga supplement, Age of Chivalry. I was the Yorkist defenders and Craig the Lancastrian attackers, with six points a side and the usual Clash of Warlords scenario. I don't play Saga that often, my last game was about two years ago with the Age of Alexander supplement but Craig plays a fair bit and knows the rules well. I had a lucky start with a unit of men-at-arms (hearthguard) and was able to use the Remounts and Ravage and Pillage activations on my battle board to nearly wipe out a unit of Lancastrian longbowmen (levies).

The Lancastrians responded with some devastating shooting to reduce my mercenary handgunners (warriors) to half strength. The game from there was tit for tat, my Warlord was eventually killed, but both sides were reduced to two units generating Saga dice and neither side could gain the upper hand. In the end we called it a draw. It was fun to get the War of the Roses troops out and try out the new Saga Age of Chivalry rules. It's a very attractive supplement and with fourteen new battle boards has plenty to offer the Medieval Saga enthusiast.

Lancastrian longbowmen suffer

Lancastrian longbowmen retreat
repeatedly from Yorkist billmen

Lancastrian longbowmen survive another turn

Yorkist longbowmen survive another turn


  1. Very nice looking game, the table setting is super and it looks like the rules give a very good game too.

    1. Thanks Donnie, it was fun, been a while between games.


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