Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Hittite and Allied three crew and two crew chariots

Here are some 15mm Hittites that I'll use for a DBA army amongst other things. The figures are by Essex Miniatures, Magister Militum and Black Hat Miniatures. The back drop photo is of the reconstructed walls at Hattusa, the ancient Hittite capital, (modern Bogazkale, formerly Bogazkoy). I'll post some photos of Hattusa and other Hittite sites soon. I also have a 28mm Hittite army and will post photos of that as well.

Canaanite Javelinmen and Hittite Archers

Hittite Guardsmen and Command

Anatolian Spearmen and Command

Hittite Army arrayed inside the walls of Hatusa


  1. Thanks Jonathan, the Hittites are one of my favourite Bronze Age armies, I've got them in two scales...

  2. Very impressive, Mike! Love the use of multiple makers, as well as the historic backdrop.

  3. Wonderful figures and great presentation!

    1. Thanks Phil, I've got a few more 15mm Bronze Age armies to finish painting.

  4. Lovely looking Hittites!
    Best Iain


Mitanni and Canaanite Infantry

  Here are some 15mm Mitanni infantry and Canaanite javelin men. The Mitanni infantry are by Chariot Miniatures and the Canaanite javelin me...