Monday, May 28, 2018

Late Romans versus Goths Basic Impetus Game

The Goths advance towards the Late Romans

Side view of the game

Goth cavalry dispense with Late Roman skirmishers

Here are a few photos of a Late Romans versus Goths, Basic Impetus game we played down at the club a few months ago. After some initial success, things started to go pear shaped, for the Goths with their infantry retreating in the centre. In the end we ran out of time and it was a draw.

Cavalry melee on the Late Roman right flank

Infantry close in the centre

Goth infantry retreat


  1. Good to see an Impetvs game on the table!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, we've played a couple of games of Basic Impetus this year.

  2. Nice looking armies,late Romans are rapidly moving up towards my painting que!
    Best Iain

  3. Thanks Iain, they're fun to paint with all the shield designs in the Notia Dignatum.


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