Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Komnenan Byzantine Kontaratoi

Here are some Komnenan Byzantine Kontaratoi or Skoutatoi that I've finally finished painting. These are from the recent released Fireforge Games plastic Byzantine Spearmen box set. In this you get 25 figures with individual bases and a choice of oval or tear drop shields. The figures are all in a variety of at the ready poses, with upright kontarion. They all heavily armoured with mail, scale or lamellar armour and helmets. Some figures have quite intricate patterns on the hems of their tunics. They are fully compatible with existing metal ranges such as Gripping Beast (see comparison shot below) and Crusader Miniatures.

These are really fine addition to Fireforge's impressive range of detailed Medieval plastic and resin figures. Since releasing these Fireforge have added a resin three figure Byzantine infantry command set. They are also stocking the resin V&V Miniatures Byzantine range which includes Kontaratoi and Varangian Guardsmen. V&V Miniatures have just released resin Byzantine Cataphracts, so hopefully they will be available as well. Orders on the Fireforge website, not including deals, are post free world wide, if over 79 euros. So if you've always fancied a Nikephorian or Komnenan Byzantine army in 28mm, the time might be right!

Finally a big thanks to Aaron of for spruiking my new blog and to all the old/new followers!


  1. Good Work! The red shields are terrific!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, Fireforge make some great figures.

  2. Excellent work as always! Sorry for not finding your new blog until just now - thanks to Aaron's link on his "Here's No Great Matter"

    1. Thanks Dean, no worries, Aaron is a champ!

  3. Great looking Byzantines! Glad to have found your new blog,look l like I've missed a fair bit,it all looks great!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it is good to be posting stuff again.


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