Saturday, July 21, 2018


Here are some Mycenaeans, Achaeans or Bronze Age Greeks. Most I've just finished painting but some I painted years ago. Apart from the first photo, of a box chariot with charioteer in Dendra armour, most are mainly later types. The figures are a mix of Eureka Miniatures, Wargames Foundry, Redoubt Miniatures, Cutting Edge Miniatures/Warlord Games and Old Glory Miniatures. I plan to eventually create four forces with two sides of early and later Mycenaeans but will initially use them for Chariots Rampant, the Bronze Age variant of Lion Rampant.

The two infantry units in the photos below have a mix of round and upright pelta type shields. In fact the upright pelta type shields should really be reversed as depicted in the Warrior Vase from Mycenae, although it is possible that these shields were used in this way. Some of the shields are cast on the figures and others I couldn't face pulling off the completed figures, reversing them 180 degrees and then gluing them back on. Future units will have a mix of round and reversed pelta type shields but I suspect not too many opponents will care one way or the other!


  1. Very nice collection of Mycenaeans from various makers, Mike. They blend together very well.

    1. Thanks Dean, they're not up to the standard of your Mycenaeans but it is good to have enough finished for a game.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, hopefully I will give them a run against my Sea People soon.

  3. Cool, and lovely brushwork. As an aside, that mountain looks familiar, but I can’t quite work out which one it is, annoyingly!


    1. Thanks Aaron, it is good to have enough Mycenaeans painted for a game. The back drop photo is actually the hill behind Mycenae which I use all the time for photos!

  4. Great looking Mycenaens, the mix of figures work well!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I do like a mix of figures in a unit if possible.


Late Roman Infantry

  Here are some Late Roman infantry from the archives that I painted about nine years ago. The figures on round bases above are mainly Crusa...